Frequently Asked Questions
Here follow some of the most common misconceptions I hear and know there are about this coaching system, in the form of a Q & A :
Question: “We have and are still seeing so many pieces of advice coming and going - is this not just another one that’s going to come and go?”
Answer: No. In fact this is just going to get better with time. Most other methods were never researched anywhere near as much as this system for as long and by as many experts in their fields, or they were often not even researched at all, but were rather based on popularity or what looks good or what most players on tour seemed to be doing, or even worse, it was just somebodies idea that happened to also work for them. The most famous of these was “Stack and Tilt”, a method that we now know can only work for a player whose front leg is much more dominant than his / her rear leg, as well as for players whose ideal trail hand grip position was more on top, previously known as weak. For the other two categories of golfer trying it, it was a nightmare and quickly let them play much worse or get injured - which once again underlines how effective this method of coaching really is.
Question: “This all seems too confusing and technical - will I not be overwhelmed by all the biomechanical talk and does it not just apply to good players?”
Answer: You should be prepared and open enough for some things to sound scientific and maybe confusing at the very beginning - bear in mind that especially the golf swing is unfortunately a complicated and scientific thing, we cannot just wish that it was easy - the irony though is that once you do understand how you were designed to hold and swing a club, then believe me, you will not believe how complicated you actually have been making the game for yourself by trying to figure it out between yourself and the myriads of pieces of advice around you, 80% of which will just hurt you or make you worse! Luckily I am also learning quickly how to bring the material across in the simplest possible manner. I am seeing the same amount of success (even with beginners!) as with elite players, ladies or gentlemen, young and older.
Question: “Your lessons are expensive - will I get my money’s worth?”
Answer: Firstly - if you read my website carefully you will see that there is an option of sharing lessons or attending as a group, hereby reducing the rate per person. Secondly, I save you a lot of time by being able to do the tests and screens, since otherwise a lot of time goes into searching for answers by experimenting. Thirdly, it interests me that golfers seem quite happy to spend vast amounts of money on a new driver, but are most hesitant to spend maybe half or less of the amount to find out why the new piece of equipment does not take away their inconsistencies which, if resolved by me, would make them a MUCH happier golfer regardless of their equipment!
Question: “My parents always warned me - if something sounds too good or easy to be true, then it probably is - why should this be any different?”
Answer: I have mentioned the answer to this a few times already - it is sad to me that, due to anyone these days being able to write anything or make a video with any information, whether it has been researched at all or not, and place it in amongst the myriad of information already on all social media platforms or magazines / books, it already creates skepticism - then when something comes along which is actually the result of close to 50 years of painstaking research, even involving top orthopedic surgeons and academics in the field, set in motion by Hall of Fame coach Mike Adams in the 70’s already - it seems to just get lost between all the noise, or be treated with the same skepticism as all the other random pieces of information. Come give it a try to see what I am talking about.
Question: “My friend saw you for one lesson and he / she actually told me it was too technical and difficult to do - won’t this be the case with me as well?”
Answer: The worst thing that can happen is somebody thinking this system is a miracle fix which can turn around a whole game in one or two lessons - I have seen it happen but certainly not every time - the first lesson consists mainly of the screens and is just the first step towards the turn for the better, without it sounding like sales talk - bear in mind that I can achieve in 5 lessons the same that a coach who does no screening would need 10 lessons to figure out via experimentation. So to answer the question - if someone tells you its no good, ask them for how many sessions they came and why they could not understand it, I would love to know!
Answer: I am a professional who is aware of the physical and mental limitations that people have, especially as they get older (I am already experiencing this as well!). The trick is to still let me do the screens (which tell me what anyone can and cannot do in any case). Above this, we can see what’s possible at your age. Then start with one thing, see the small successes and move to the next possible thing. If you however have a very strong belief that you cannot achieve much anymore, rather don’t see me as this must first come from you.
Question: “I’m too old and set in my ways for new things - how do you think you can now still help me?”
Question: “I am playing just fine at the moment. Why should I even think of coming to you for a screening?”
Answer: You don’t have to, but the beauty of this system is that no matter how well you are playing, you can do even better. This is often because the last thing you thought would work for you, which is often just a small thing, can actually give you that extra gear. Another completely overlooked factor is that, especially younger players but not only them, can play fine even with any compensations and / or restrictions they have to employ in order to hit the ball straight - for a while - after which slowly but surely consistency becomes much less and injuries can rear their ugly heads at any point if this carries on.
Question: “What about the short game which is so vital - this seems to be about the swing only?”
Answer: I am very aware of how vital the short game is - as mentioned on the “About” page, the grip always plays a huge role right through to, and especially in putting, something we also did not realize up to now while focusing on so many other things. The Motion Plate is also a fantastic tool for chipping & pitching, since steadiness and balance play such a big role here, which one can clearly see in the interface. The latest research, also involving force plates, has to do with how a putt’s outcome is often the result of how the person was standing before hitting a putt and naturally, during it. This is all very difficult or impossible to see any other way.
Question: “I am an elite player - I don’t see you coaching so many elite players - can you help me?”
Answer: Varying aspects over the years have created a list of diverse clients, which I also take pride in. This system has however now empowered me to be able to coach a tour professional just as efficiently as I can a beginner! Since it is a system that leaves no stone unturned, instead of a series of “hits and misses”. As also mentioned in the section about elites - you will not only improve but also be much more protected against injuries. Becoming somewhat of an expert in the field, I have a consulting role to play as well - see more on the “My Offers” page.
Question: “I am so inconsistent that I don’t think even you will be able to help me?”
Answer: Ironically this is probably the core of what this system is all about - to actually pinpoint quickly what the cause of the inconsistency is, and then to introduce more consistency that you can actually also maintain.
Question: “Has all of this helped your own game?”
Answer: Tremendously - I was contemplating giving up the game and even coaching until I came across this information, fortunately not long after it was released. It answered all of the unanswered questions I had about my game for the best part of 25 years, and explained the cause of a knee injury which is ironically keeping me from playing as much as I’d like to - please see the “My Story” page for more.
It would be good to add to this list - please feel free to ask me any questions that you may have by clicking on the button below.